Monday, July 10, 2023

Authenticity is the quality of being genuine or true to oneself. It is about being honest with yourself and others about who you are, what you believe in, and what you want. When you are authentic, you are not trying to be someone you are not. You are not afraid to be vulnerable or to show your true colors.

There are many benefits to being authentic. First, it allows you to build stronger relationships with others. When people can see that you are being genuine, they are more likely to trust you and to open up to you. Second, authenticity can lead to greater happiness and fulfillment. When you are living your life in accordance with your values and beliefs, you are more likely to feel a sense of purpose and satisfaction. Third, authenticity can help you to achieve your goals. When you are true to yourself, you are more likely to make decisions that are in line with your desires and values, which can lead you to success.

Of course, being authentic is not always easy. It can be scary to be vulnerable and to let others see your true self. However, the rewards of authenticity are worth the risk. When you are true to yourself, you are living a life that is more fulfilling and meaningful.

Here are some tips for being more authentic:

  • Be honest with yourself about who you are and what you want. What are your values? What are your dreams? What are your strengths and weaknesses? Once you have a clear understanding of yourself, you can start to live your life in a way that is true to your values. 
  • Be willing to be vulnerable. This means being open and honest with others about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. It can be scary to let others see your true self, but it is essential for building authentic relationships.
  • Be consistent with your actions. What you say and do should be aligned with your values. If you say that you value honesty, but you are constantly lying, then people will not trust you.
  • Be forgiving of yourself. Everyone makes mistakes. When you make a mistake, don't beat yourself up about it. Learn from your mistake and move on.

·       Being authentic is a journey, not a destination. It takes time and effort to be truly authentic. However, the rewards are worth it. When you are living your life in accordance with your values, you are more likely to be happy, fulfilled, and successful. If you are looking to live a more fulfilling and meaningful life, then I encourage you to embrace your authenticity.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Identifying Emotional Triggers: the First Step in Managing Them


Emotions are reactions that are experienced following an action or an event. They play a significant role in our daily lives, and we often react to them based on the feelings associated with the event. While some emotions can lead to positive feelings and outcomes, there are others that can be overwhelming and trigger negative emotions and behaviors.  These are known as emotional triggers.                                

Identifying emotional triggers is important because it helps us to better understand our own feelings and reactions in different situations, allowing us to take control of our emotions. By recognizing what triggers our emotions, we can learn how to manage them more effectively, leading to improved mental health and overall wellbeing.

Here are 5 tips for identifying emotional triggers:

  1. Keep a journal: Write down your emotions and what happened before you felt them. Look for patterns and repeated events that lead to emotional responses.
  2. Self-reflection: Take time to reflect on your emotions and identify what causes them. Ask yourself why you reacted in a certain way, and try to uncover the underlying cause.
  3. Seek feedback: Ask a trusted friend or family member to give you feedback on what they observe as your emotional triggers. Sometimes others can see patterns that we may miss.
  4. Be aware of physical reactions: Emotional triggers can often manifest in physical reactions such as sweating, racing heart, or shaking. Pay attention to these physical cues and try to identify what triggered them.
  5. Identify past traumas: Past traumatic experiences can often be emotional triggers. If you have experienced trauma in the past, it may be helpful to seek professional help to process and work through those experiences.
By understanding the emotional triggers that affect us, we can start to identify patterns in our behavior and reactions that might be hindering our progress or causing distress. This level of self awareness can then be used to help us make better decisions and find healthier coping strategies when faced with difficult situations or challenging emotions.

Take my free assessment to help you identify your emotional triggers so that you will be better able to manage responses and make better decisions. 

Emotional Triggers Assessment

Schedule your free consultation to discuss your success strategy: Discovery Call

Monday, March 13, 2023

Manifesting your Dreams

 Manifesting your dreams is an exciting and rewarding process! 
Here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Get clear on your dream. Spend some time reflecting on what it is that you truly desire. Write it down, so that you can refer to it often.
  2. Believe in yourself and your dreams. Know that you are capable of achieving whatever it is that you set your mind to and have faith in the universe.
  3. Take small steps. Break your dreams down into smaller, achievable goals. Each small step will move you closer to your overall goal.
  4. Visualize your dreams. Spend time every day visualizing what your life will be like when you achieve your dreams.
  5. Stay positive and eliminate negative thoughts. Your thoughts become your reality, so it's important to stay positive and focus on the good.
  6. Take action and be persistent. Take consistent action and never give up, even when the going gets tough.
  7. Celebrate your progress and successes. Acknowledge the progress you make, no matter how small, and celebrate your successes along the way. This will help keep you motivated and on track.

     Embrace every moment as you manifest your dreams!

 If you are looking for a coach to help you manifest your dream and create the profitable life you desire, click the link below and book a discovery call.

Book a Free Call

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Limiting Beliefs are Sabotaging Your Success

Woman Thinking

Have you been wondering why you can’t seem to make the progress you desire? It seems you take one step forward and two steps backwards. You know what to do, but just can’t seem to do it. The problem is that there is a war going on within your mind. You know what you want to do but you have negative self-limiting beliefs that are fighting your positive desires. This battle is like attempting to fill a pot with a hole in it. It doesn’t matter how much water you have, or how often you try to fill it, the pot will leak and not maintain the level of water that matches the effort you’ve exhausted.

What you believe about yourself, life, and the world impact you more than you realize. How many times have you been told that negative thoughts become self-fulfilling prophecies? It is true. For example, if you believe you will never lose weight, it becomes almost impossible to change eating habits or lifestyle because the new actions are in direct opposition to what you believe.

There are many self-limiting beliefs. Here are a few of the most common:

§  Others are responsible for your current life circumstances. For example, you may have said “They, won’t let me do…” or “if they hadn’t…, I wouldn’t be...”

§  Past failures will be an indicator of future failures

§  There is not enough time to do what you desire

§  You are too old to start anything new

§  There are not enough resources, or you don’t have enough

§  You don’t deserve success

§  You are not worthy to be loved

Overcoming self-limiting beliefs requires you to counter the negative with new and positive belief statements.  

Here are a few other recommendations:

§  Become more self-aware. Ask yourself, “Is what I’m thinking really true?”  If it is not or is based on a self-limiting belief, then it must go

§  Believe in yourself

§  Tell yourself that you are capable of learning new things and improving current skillsets

§  Remind yourself, that there is no shortage of money and that your issue is ideas not resources

§  Believe you are worthy of success

§  Remember that a past failure will not stop you from being successful in the future

The best news is you have the power to change any self-limiting beliefs and consequently change your mind!

Click below if you would like my Self-Limiting Beliefs Worksheet so that you can begin today to make the changes in your life that you desire to see!

Limiting Beliefs Assessment

Monday, July 4, 2022


Living an Intentional Life

 Most women have dreams and goals for their lives. The problem is generally, there is not a method to ensure sustained growth and predictable outcomes for producing it. Intentional living means there are deliberate decisions and actions that are taken to produce desired results. It requires making decisions and creating actions to support those decisions.

 Too often people have an idea of what they want their lives to look like but fail to deliberately take actions to achieve what they want. They see the end of the thing and fail to construct the foundation and building blocks to produce what they see. 

However, wishing and hoping will never yield the results of hard work, deliberate action, and determination.

 Strategies for intentional living:

 1.    Understand your purpose and reason for living. It has been said that the two most important days of an individual’s life is the day they were born and the day they discover why they were born. It is imperative that to live intentionally, you must understand your purpose so that all of your decisions and actions align with who you are and what you were created to do.

2.    Write the vision. It’s not enough to have a dream or an idea of where you are going. There is a saying for healthcare professionals, “If it is not documented, it did not happen.” The same is true for many of your dreams and plans. If you do not go through the practice of writing it down, so that you can go back and read it, it will fade and not come to fruition. 

3.    Establish a daily routine. If you were to look at the lives of the most successful people, you will find that they have a daily routine or practice. Whether it is meditation, prayer, affirmations, reading the newspaper, or breathing exercises, the days begins with a set of repeated practices. The practices are as varied as the individual, but the outcome is the same, consistency and productivity.

 4.    Develop healthy and positive mindsets. An intentional life requires mindsets that support growth and productivity. A person with a growth mindset sees possibilities and is not intimidated by personal weaknesses and obstacles. When confronted with something new or unfamiliar, they are not afraid to accept a challenge because they believe it is possible to learn what is necessary to create the change they desire.

5.    Set goals for the key areas of your life. Goals are critical for staying focused and maintaining momentum. These can include personal growth, health, financial, relationship, and career goals. Any aspirations or areas that you want to see happen or make changes in the current direction must have a goal attached.

 6.    Avoid procrastination and distractions. Be intentional with your time because it is the one thing you can never get back. Always be mindful of what you want to accomplish and make every effort to get it done. You can schedule times for activities such as reading emails, taking calls, and surfing the internet or social media.  

 7.    Practice self-care. Your body is your greatest tool and is required for you to do all the great things that you see. Self-care includes physical and emotional health. Always be mindful of what you put in it including food and drugs. Moderation is key. Exercise is key to self-care because it is beneficial for both physical and emotional wellbeing.

 8.    Review your day and plan for tomorrow. Take a few minutes each day to review your progress on your goals. What did you do well, what areas need tweaking or revision? Include key take aways you learned that can be applied to future activities or situations. Write your goals for the next day, so that you will start each new day with intention.   

Intentional living is about choosing the type of person you want to be and creating the life that you desire. This will not happen by accident but will be the direct result of the choices you make and the actions you take. Be intention and create the life of your dreams.

 Let's stay connected! Join My Email List

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

3 Keys to Stop Self-sabotaging Your Success

Woman at Computer
We desire success but  despite all of our efforts, it sometimes escapes us. These are the moments that we spend an enormous amount of time attempting to figure out what went wrong. And the truth is that many times we are the reason things did not work. It has been said, the enemy is "the inner me"

We are sabotaging our own success with what we believe, think, and do. Here are a few immediate steps you can take to stop the vicious cycle of self-sabotage.  

1.     Identify and change your beliefs. 

     What are the beliefs that are hindering your success? For example, if you believe that you're not smart enough, you will limit the risks that you take and will not stretch to become the best version of yourself. This alone will frustrate any attempts you make to be better and do better because you will constantly be fighting the automatic responses in your brain, that say “You are not smart enough.” Develop a positive mindset and avoid limiting beliefs.


2.     Avoid negative self-talk.


You spend too much time saying negative things to yourself. Eventually, you begin to believe them. Such negative input gives you an incorrect opinion of yourself and your capabilities. Ensure that your self-talk is supportive and positive. Use positive affirmations to counter any negative self-talk.


3.     Notice habits and activities that sabotage your success.


Think about what you want to be successful at and notice your habits that stand in your way. For example, if you’ve written in your planner a task that was to be done at the start of the day, but instead you check personal emails. The res, which leaves the task delayed or incomplete.  Make a list of those behaviors so that you can address and change them.


The good news is the success you desire is on the other side of these small, but huge changes. You have the ability, the will and power to accomplish any goal that you set. Tell yourself today, “I am a smart, creative, productive, successful and I finish everything I start.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Change Happens with Choice

For every change you desire, there’s a choice that needs to be made. As the title implies, change doesn't happen by chance it happens with choice.  We are the sum of all choices that we've made whether they were good choices or not so good.

Therefore, if it you take a look at where you are today, you can see a correlation between where you are and the choices that were made. For example, it you are working as an accountant, you chose to go to school, study and make sacrifices to obtain your degree.  Everyone can look back and see the impact of their choices on their current state and situation. This is true even if we say “it’s complicated”.  For instance, the woman who feels “if it were not for bad luck she wouldn’t have any,” can trace much of the bad luck to choices or decisions on her part.  Let’s say she was fired  from several of her last jobs. Was there additional training needed, that she did not obtain. Maybe, there were attitudes and behaviors that  needed to be shifted or changed and she did not. Either way, there were choices involved.

I cannot forget to mention that failing to make a choice is also choosing.  When you know that there is more and you should be doing more, and you fail to do it—that is choosing to be complacent. If you have dreams that you desire and you’re afraid to step out—you are choosing to put your best life on the shelf. 

We must keep before us our life’s plan: who we are, what we desire and where we are going. In doing so, our choices have to align with and complement that plan. An entrepreneur that chooses to plan, be disciplined, sacrifice and implement will  be successful. Whereas, the one who desires to be an entrepreneur and decides they can just “wing it” will be less likely to have success. They also will not be able to blame anyone else for their lack of accomplishment but can chalk it up to poor choices.

You have the power to change anything that does not fit into your master plan. Choose wisely.

Authenticity is the quality of being genuine or true to oneself. It is about being honest with yourself and others about who you are, what y...