Thursday, January 11, 2018

Confidence is Critical

Whether building a business,  applying for a job, or interacting with friends, confidence is an essential factor in your success.  Confidence is believing in yourself or abilities. Your actions and behaviors are often influenced by your confidence level.  For example, if you believe that you are a good athlete, you will probably try a new sport without hesitation. However, if you feel that you are not a good student, you may shy away from anything that requires instruction and learning. Note in the examples, the positive confidence level moves one forward, whereas the low level causes the individual to back up. It becomes a cycle of either positive movement or withdrawal and stagnation. 

When you tell yourself you can or you can’t, you are right either way.  It is what you believe about yourself that makes you successful.  Do not feel that all is lost because you are not confident today. Confidence is a skill that can be developed. One method for developing confidence is using positive affirmations to retrain your self view and image. “I am” statements such as “I am confident” and “I am able to do great things” are excellent for transforming your confidence level. Tell yourself that you are able to do everything that you want to do and have to do to make your business or dream a success. #iambecauseisayiam

Monday, January 8, 2018

Create Something

Create Something.  There is nothing more exiting than the birth of a baby. The delivery room is the most unlikely place for intense joy. There are strangers, equipment, tears and pain but yet the appearance of a baby causes everything else in the room to fade to black, all that is seen is that precious birth that was created.  In the midst of the pain of bringing forth that promise, many moms vow to never do it again.  However, the pain is soon forgotten because of the joy of the birth.

What are you producing? It is the act of creating and bringing forth that gives life and energy.  The first blades of grass, the bud of the rose, and finished picture stir up feelings of hope and excitement. Imagine the designer of a new fragrance seeing the first bottle from the assembly line or the ribbon cutting at the architect’s new building, there is nothing sweeter.  You see the smiles, you hear the cheers, you smell the champagne and you taste the sweetness of success.

If you are feeling burned out and lethargic, it may be due to a lack of production and creativity. Even a body of water that is not flowing becomes stagnant and stinks.  Take a moment to stir up the gift of creativity. As you think of your dream, allow your mind to relax, and roam. Come up with different pathways, alternate answers and new endings. Now use the energy and excitement from the new place to fuel this next phase of the dream.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Manage Your Anger

Anger is one of the most powerful emotions that we experience.  The dictionary defines it as a strong feeling of displeasure aroused by a wrong or injustice. Although it is a normal emotion, there is always the potential that the response can be negative or unhealthy. Many physical and mental health disorders are related to prolonged anger. Therefore, failure to deal with anger in a positive and healthy manner can have major implications. 

Generally, when we mention anger management we are referring to preventing an outburst or the destruction that can be caused by rage. However, today we want to see it a little differently. Instead of simply controlling anger, why not be intentional with how you express it? I recommend using the anger to your benefit.

We have heard it said “send your enemy a thank you card”.  In the same manner, use the emotions to fuel your dream. For example, when you want to pay someone back for mistreating or wronging you, take that energy and pour it into your dream or your business. Ride off of that intense emotion to complete your marketing plan or acquire new investors. If you are angry enough, you can complete advanced degrees. Once you've reached your goal, let it go. Let success be the greatest resolution for your anger!

Authenticity is the quality of being genuine or true to oneself. It is about being honest with yourself and others about who you are, what y...