Monday, July 4, 2022


Living an Intentional Life

 Most women have dreams and goals for their lives. The problem is generally, there is not a method to ensure sustained growth and predictable outcomes for producing it. Intentional living means there are deliberate decisions and actions that are taken to produce desired results. It requires making decisions and creating actions to support those decisions.

 Too often people have an idea of what they want their lives to look like but fail to deliberately take actions to achieve what they want. They see the end of the thing and fail to construct the foundation and building blocks to produce what they see. 

However, wishing and hoping will never yield the results of hard work, deliberate action, and determination.

 Strategies for intentional living:

 1.    Understand your purpose and reason for living. It has been said that the two most important days of an individual’s life is the day they were born and the day they discover why they were born. It is imperative that to live intentionally, you must understand your purpose so that all of your decisions and actions align with who you are and what you were created to do.

2.    Write the vision. It’s not enough to have a dream or an idea of where you are going. There is a saying for healthcare professionals, “If it is not documented, it did not happen.” The same is true for many of your dreams and plans. If you do not go through the practice of writing it down, so that you can go back and read it, it will fade and not come to fruition. 

3.    Establish a daily routine. If you were to look at the lives of the most successful people, you will find that they have a daily routine or practice. Whether it is meditation, prayer, affirmations, reading the newspaper, or breathing exercises, the days begins with a set of repeated practices. The practices are as varied as the individual, but the outcome is the same, consistency and productivity.

 4.    Develop healthy and positive mindsets. An intentional life requires mindsets that support growth and productivity. A person with a growth mindset sees possibilities and is not intimidated by personal weaknesses and obstacles. When confronted with something new or unfamiliar, they are not afraid to accept a challenge because they believe it is possible to learn what is necessary to create the change they desire.

5.    Set goals for the key areas of your life. Goals are critical for staying focused and maintaining momentum. These can include personal growth, health, financial, relationship, and career goals. Any aspirations or areas that you want to see happen or make changes in the current direction must have a goal attached.

 6.    Avoid procrastination and distractions. Be intentional with your time because it is the one thing you can never get back. Always be mindful of what you want to accomplish and make every effort to get it done. You can schedule times for activities such as reading emails, taking calls, and surfing the internet or social media.  

 7.    Practice self-care. Your body is your greatest tool and is required for you to do all the great things that you see. Self-care includes physical and emotional health. Always be mindful of what you put in it including food and drugs. Moderation is key. Exercise is key to self-care because it is beneficial for both physical and emotional wellbeing.

 8.    Review your day and plan for tomorrow. Take a few minutes each day to review your progress on your goals. What did you do well, what areas need tweaking or revision? Include key take aways you learned that can be applied to future activities or situations. Write your goals for the next day, so that you will start each new day with intention.   

Intentional living is about choosing the type of person you want to be and creating the life that you desire. This will not happen by accident but will be the direct result of the choices you make and the actions you take. Be intention and create the life of your dreams.

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Authenticity is the quality of being genuine or true to oneself. It is about being honest with yourself and others about who you are, what y...