Monday, October 16, 2017


On the way to birthing your dream and building your business, there will be times when you will have to put off something that you desire now for where you are going.  We do not like fore someone to tell us no, and we certainly do not like to tell ourselves no.  However, the ability to deny yourself has great rewards.

Many times our inability to deny ourselves is rooted in past experiences and deprivation of basic needs. The person who did not have a lot of material things growing up may find themselves in debt spending money that do not have to buy things that they do not need. It is as if they are saying, I will never be without “_________”  again (fill in the blank). Deprivation is dangerous because it affects our choices and leads to emotional decision making. For example, we will eat everything we want, even if it is harmful to our bodies or we will buy homes that we cannot afford because we just want them without thinking about the consequences.

Millionaires manage their lifestyles and live below their means. For instance, it is reported that the majority of millionaires buy used American cars, not luxury models. They are able to buy whatever they want, but they want what they can afford or works for where they are going. It is important as we are moving towards our promises, we develop this mindset.

Identify and acknowledge the areas where you may have been deprived. Look for behaviors in your life where you have or are over compensating for those deficiencies. Choose to change your mind regarding the need to fill a void that no longer exists. You can not change your past therefore,   do not continue making choices from the past deficits. Begin making decisions based on thought and reasoning. Refuse to make emotional decisions. Your life will change, and you will find the things that were denied will be appreciated and balanced when acquired.

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