DANGER, COMFORT ZONE! What a contradiction. The comfort zone is considered a safe place. It is the space that we retreat to when threatened or frequently dwell in for ease and satisfaction. It is defined as the temperature that is comfortable for most people.
Each of us has a comfort zone where we feel safe and in control. We are confident, self assured and without threat. The picture of a person on a cozy sofa or chair, warm, fuzzy blanket, pillow and hot chocolate screams comfort for us. However, when we picture a successful entrepreneur, it is quite the opposite.
Hence the comfort zone is really our enemy. It has been said that a ship in the harbor is safe but that was never the intent of the ship. Being comfortable is existing, not living because it limits your growth and success. We admit it is scary outside of it, but everything you desire is on the other side of your comfort zone.
Change does not have to be drastic. For example, if you don’t know how to swim, you don’t jump out into the deep water and drown. However, you just begin walking into the shallow water, and wade a little while. Take a swimming class, learn new strokes and before long, you can dive in and swim.
Intentionally, leave your comfort zone. Do something different every day. You will find that your comfort zone actually increases with experiences and learning new things. Look forward to the day when you are comfortable or at home in situations that would have terrified you! Now, go after the life you desire! Do not settle for less! Live.
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