Sunday, October 8, 2017

What’s in Your Hand

Many times we find ourselves stalled at a crossroad, needing to make a decision. Do I go left or right, stand still or move ahead—just what do I do? Too many times we look for our answer in other people and their experiences. For instance, when the job downsized, you spent all of the severance pay and all of your resources and still could not find a job. Perhaps the answer you are looking for is within you.  It is already in your hand. 

We are all born with gifts and talents and we are the answer to somebody's problem. If you think about it, you have spent many years using your gift to build another person’s vision or dream.  The truth is you were pretty good at it! The sad reality is they can never pay you what you are worth.  What is the gift that you possess that will take you before great men and bring you great wealth? Spend time developing that gift because the world and your wealth are waiting on you.

1 comment:

Authenticity is the quality of being genuine or true to oneself. It is about being honest with yourself and others about who you are, what y...