Monday, October 9, 2017

What are You Waiting for?

It has been said "Good things come to those who wait". Now, although there is truth to the statement, I'd like to suggest a twist "Good things are delayed for those who wait". Too often we are waiting for out ship to come in, and solve all our problems, when we have done nothing to prepare for the ship. We didn't pack the luggage, buy a ticket, plan a route, or did nothing to prepare for a return from the ship. There are two opposing views for the definition for waiting: (1) passively, doing nothing until something happens or (2) remaining in a place of readiness for something to happen. I prefer the second definition--remaining in a place of readiness.  That definition suggestions there has been preparation for what is expected. You can sit by the oven all day and wait for the cake to come out, but if you did not mix the ingredients and place it in the oven, you are waiting in vain.

Many times we are waiting on our "blessing" and we have failed to prepare or do what is necessary. "What are you waiting for"? Is it possible that what you are waiting for is waiting for you to get started? Could it be that the connection you need will only be found while you are doing and not waiting. If your waiting is based on procrastination, insecurity, fear, or hopelessness, then clearly the wait is working against the promise, purpose or dream. The danger is that you can lose hope or energy while waiting. Wherever you are, let's work while we wait. Move confidently and strategically towards your dream.

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