Thursday, October 12, 2017

Your words can derail your dreams

It has been said that you are what you eat. I will add that you are what you say! Words are powerful containers with creative ability. They will create whatever is spoken.  We all know of adults with low self-esteem who were verbally abused as children. The negative words that were spoken to them, created pictures and stories that became their reality. Those words that are often called self fulfilling prophecies, created a self view that was destructive. Additionally, the stories became more lively and went from a short movie clip to a full feature film.  For example, the girl who was told she was dumb: (1) stopped trying in school, (2) fell further behind, (3) began to withdraw from what she considered the "smart kids" and (4) linked with others with similar beliefs, which reinforced her negative self view.

I know we think that is the extreme, but we subtly derail our dreams daily. Instead of saying, "Today will be amazing," "I am energized by possibilities",  and "I will have great success," we say, "I hate Mondays," "I'm broke", and  "I don't believe it will ever happen." It's as if we are on a tread mill trying to reach the beach--we complete the number of miles but never leave the room. Begin using your speech to create what you want to see in your life. As you begin to be intentional with what you are saying, you will see that your life follows your words.

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