Sunday, October 29, 2017

Be a Finisher

We all have some things which are undone. Take a peak into a carpenter’s workshop, a cartoonist’s scribble pad or a seamstress’s work space, you’ll find many project’s waiting to be finished.  The projects represent many stages:  first draft, 10th try or changed mind. There may be some that will never be completed. The problem comes when the majority of things are left undone. Unfinished projects like any unfinished business can produce anxiety and stress.  Individuals may feel incompetent or frustrated because nothing is working.

The challenge today is to finish the project that causes you to wince at this article. There is the one item that produces a “Dang, I really need to do it”, that is the item, project, story, class, degree, certification, financing, business plan, etc. that you need to finish. Outline a method/timeline for completing the task. If it is finishing a book, set aside time daily to write and work on the launch. A desire to return to school, go online today, and determine what is needed and devise a plan. Do something daily towards completion of whatever the item is. 

There is a tremendous amount of satisfaction and feelings of accomplishment that comes with completing anything. Additionally, the completion of one item produces energy and momentum for completing the next thing. People always talk about negative spirals or cycles, why not start some positive and success cycles. Finishing the unfinished tasks is a great start to cycles of success.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017


The truth is you need people to help you birth the dream even if it is an individual  business. For example , Steve Jobs , and two of his friends started Apple Computers; Sam Walton borrowed money from his father-in-law  to start Walmart; and Larry Page and Sergey Brin , college friends started Google. 

Take  a moment today to assess the people you may need to  connect with to birth your dream.  Whether your cousin who is an artist, the engineer neighbor or the Vice President of your local bank, don’t be afraid to reach out to someone who may have the missing piece. Step out of your comfort zone and begin to utilize the power of we. When I started my coaching business, I reached out to six (6) of my friends and asked them would they be my first group. They consented which gave me a beta group, allowed me to give shape to the process and and gain confidence, Their assistance was invaluable.

Too often  many of us  are lone rangers and happy about it. Many are quick to admit “I don’t do people,”. The reality is there are dreams that are solo  visions and some people will start businesses on their own. However,  too often the  “I can do this on my own” originates from a place of brokenness.

Monday, October 23, 2017

I am Unique

Positive affirmations are utilized to create the life that you desire. Many of us have told ourselves negative messages that have produced negative outcomes in our lives. By changing the way we think we can change our lives. Using these affirmations can propel you into the life of your dreams.

Available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble

Sunday, October 22, 2017


Imagine standing in the lobby, waiting for the elevator to take you to another level.  The up arrow is lit, there is a beep and the door opens. You now have a decision to make. Will I move towards the door and take the elevator to the next level, wait for the next one or take the steps. You can look around and see if maybe there is an escalator. What is clear, is that you cannot get to where you are going if you stay where you are. If there are people on the elevator when the door opens, they are now looking at you to see what you will do.

Your dreams represents the next level. Where you are standing now, is outside of that elevator. You have not chosen the steps or looked for an escalator. You have decided the route you will take is the elevator. Now that the door is opened, what are you going to do? The people you are called to help are on the elevator, waiting for you to decide to move.

What is the current state of your dream.  What are you doing to birth it?  Doing nothing is not an acceptable response. Rome wasn’t built in a day. The Sears Tower which has 110 floors took 2000 people over 3 years to complete it. Your dream can be built, but you have to start somewhere.

Do something today towards your dream. Have you:

  • Written it down
  •  Designed a plan to produce it
  • Created measurable goals
  •  Selected the first steps you will need to accomplish it
  • Acted upon one step

You can’t get the building if you don’t have a plan.  Just like you can’t make a cake if you don think about the ingredients, go to the store and get them and come back to begin the process. It is time to get it out of your head , onto the paper and into your life. Let’s start somewhere. Creativity and momentum happens when you start and are moving.

Friday, October 20, 2017

The Comfort Zone is Your Enemy

DANGER, COMFORT ZONE!  What  a contradiction. The comfort zone is considered a safe place. It is the space that we retreat to when threatened or frequently dwell in for ease and satisfaction.  It is defined as the temperature that is comfortable for most people.

Each of us has a comfort zone where we feel safe and in control. We are confident, self assured and without threat. The picture of a person on a cozy sofa or chair, warm, fuzzy blanket, pillow and hot chocolate screams comfort for us. However, when we picture a successful entrepreneur, it is quite the opposite.

Hence the comfort zone is really our enemy. It has been said that a ship in the harbor is safe but that was never the intent of the ship. Being comfortable is existing, not living because it limits your growth and success. We admit it is scary outside of it, but everything you desire is on the other side of your comfort zone. 

Change does not have to be drastic. For example, if you don’t know how to swim, you don’t jump out into the deep water and drown. However, you just begin walking into the shallow water, and wade a little while. Take  a swimming class, learn new strokes and before long, you can dive in and swim.
Intentionally, leave your comfort zone. Do something different every day. You will find that your comfort zone actually increases with experiences and learning new things. Look forward to the day when you are comfortable or at home in situations that would have terrified you! Now, go after the life you desire! Do not settle for less! Live.

Monday, October 16, 2017


On the way to birthing your dream and building your business, there will be times when you will have to put off something that you desire now for where you are going.  We do not like fore someone to tell us no, and we certainly do not like to tell ourselves no.  However, the ability to deny yourself has great rewards.

Many times our inability to deny ourselves is rooted in past experiences and deprivation of basic needs. The person who did not have a lot of material things growing up may find themselves in debt spending money that do not have to buy things that they do not need. It is as if they are saying, I will never be without “_________”  again (fill in the blank). Deprivation is dangerous because it affects our choices and leads to emotional decision making. For example, we will eat everything we want, even if it is harmful to our bodies or we will buy homes that we cannot afford because we just want them without thinking about the consequences.

Millionaires manage their lifestyles and live below their means. For instance, it is reported that the majority of millionaires buy used American cars, not luxury models. They are able to buy whatever they want, but they want what they can afford or works for where they are going. It is important as we are moving towards our promises, we develop this mindset.

Identify and acknowledge the areas where you may have been deprived. Look for behaviors in your life where you have or are over compensating for those deficiencies. Choose to change your mind regarding the need to fill a void that no longer exists. You can not change your past therefore,   do not continue making choices from the past deficits. Begin making decisions based on thought and reasoning. Refuse to make emotional decisions. Your life will change, and you will find the things that were denied will be appreciated and balanced when acquired.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

You Have What You Say

Did you know that you have the power to create the life you desire. As a painter creates a masterpiece with a brush  and paints, we are also creating a masterpiece with our words: our lives. As children we may have said “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me”. That is not the truth! Words are action packed. We believe what the words are saying, consciously or subconsciously. For example, if as a child you were consistently told you could not do something, you may find as an adult, you still believe you are unable to accomplish the task. If you repeat to yourself that you cannot do it, you will actually believe yourself.  Your fiercest battle is not the “enemy” but the “inner me”. 

Begin telling yourself that you are remarkable and well able. Say to yourself you deserve great things and are destined for even greater things. Speak to your dream. Say what it will look “when” it’s completed not “if” it is accomplished. The more you speak well of or affirm yourself the greater your motivation to accomplish those things you speak. Your entire being lines up with what you are saying to create those things you speak.  Dreamers, create the life you desire  with the words that you speak!

Adrienne Hollimon's Book
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble

Saturday, October 14, 2017


Confrontation  is usually considered a negative behavior that leads to aggression and conflict. Although confrontation handled inappropriately can have negative outcomes,  it is also an essential component for an individual or a group’s growth and progress.  Confrontation can act as an agent of change.   It has been said that you can not change what you are unwilling to confront.  For example, if you know that every time someone makes a suggestion or corrects you it leads to hostility and conflict. You have to be able to look at yourself  and  acknowledge that the behavior is detrimental to your future success.  

The late Michael Jackson said “I’m looking at the man in the mirror, I’m asking him to change his ways.”  Change is not always easy but necessary; all of us have areas that will not fit into where we are going. Our weaknesses and deficits can alter our decision making processes, motivation, interactions and ability to produce the dream life that we desire. Today, be willing to confront/acknowledge one behavior that you know is holding you back and begin to change it. It may be a mindset or an action, but you know it has not worked and will not work in your dream life.   Again, it may not be easy but it is certainly doable.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Your words can derail your dreams

It has been said that you are what you eat. I will add that you are what you say! Words are powerful containers with creative ability. They will create whatever is spoken.  We all know of adults with low self-esteem who were verbally abused as children. The negative words that were spoken to them, created pictures and stories that became their reality. Those words that are often called self fulfilling prophecies, created a self view that was destructive. Additionally, the stories became more lively and went from a short movie clip to a full feature film.  For example, the girl who was told she was dumb: (1) stopped trying in school, (2) fell further behind, (3) began to withdraw from what she considered the "smart kids" and (4) linked with others with similar beliefs, which reinforced her negative self view.

I know we think that is the extreme, but we subtly derail our dreams daily. Instead of saying, "Today will be amazing," "I am energized by possibilities",  and "I will have great success," we say, "I hate Mondays," "I'm broke", and  "I don't believe it will ever happen." It's as if we are on a tread mill trying to reach the beach--we complete the number of miles but never leave the room. Begin using your speech to create what you want to see in your life. As you begin to be intentional with what you are saying, you will see that your life follows your words.

Monday, October 9, 2017

What are You Waiting for?

It has been said "Good things come to those who wait". Now, although there is truth to the statement, I'd like to suggest a twist "Good things are delayed for those who wait". Too often we are waiting for out ship to come in, and solve all our problems, when we have done nothing to prepare for the ship. We didn't pack the luggage, buy a ticket, plan a route, or did nothing to prepare for a return from the ship. There are two opposing views for the definition for waiting: (1) passively, doing nothing until something happens or (2) remaining in a place of readiness for something to happen. I prefer the second definition--remaining in a place of readiness.  That definition suggestions there has been preparation for what is expected. You can sit by the oven all day and wait for the cake to come out, but if you did not mix the ingredients and place it in the oven, you are waiting in vain.

Many times we are waiting on our "blessing" and we have failed to prepare or do what is necessary. "What are you waiting for"? Is it possible that what you are waiting for is waiting for you to get started? Could it be that the connection you need will only be found while you are doing and not waiting. If your waiting is based on procrastination, insecurity, fear, or hopelessness, then clearly the wait is working against the promise, purpose or dream. The danger is that you can lose hope or energy while waiting. Wherever you are, let's work while we wait. Move confidently and strategically towards your dream.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

What’s in Your Hand

Many times we find ourselves stalled at a crossroad, needing to make a decision. Do I go left or right, stand still or move ahead—just what do I do? Too many times we look for our answer in other people and their experiences. For instance, when the job downsized, you spent all of the severance pay and all of your resources and still could not find a job. Perhaps the answer you are looking for is within you.  It is already in your hand. 

We are all born with gifts and talents and we are the answer to somebody's problem. If you think about it, you have spent many years using your gift to build another person’s vision or dream.  The truth is you were pretty good at it! The sad reality is they can never pay you what you are worth.  What is the gift that you possess that will take you before great men and bring you great wealth? Spend time developing that gift because the world and your wealth are waiting on you.

Enjoy the Process

Too often we spend all of our energy concentrating on where we are going and never take time to notice all of the little things on the way. Would you travel cross country on a road trip and never stop to see the sights along the way. Imagine all of the things you’ll miss, people you’ll never meet and stories of the trip that will never be told. I would think that instead of an enjoyable road trip it would be long, boring, and frustrating because it seems like you’ll never get there.  You may even want to go turn back because it may not feel like it’s even worth it. Similarly, the journey to the dream can seem laborious and protracted if you do not take the time to notice small accomplishments and celebrate every success.  

Treat the process like you’re getting ready for the first day of school; make every step exciting. For example, whether you were shopping for clothes and school supplies or picking out your lunch box, the process was memorable. Therefore, do not despise small beginnings, but get excited when every little step works! You’ll be less anxious on the way to your dream and you’ll create many fond memories you’ll cherish from the top of the mountain.


Children are very familiar with the saying “Winners never quit and quitters never win”.  It has been used to encourage many a runner to finish a race and send a tired quarterback back into the game.  This quote has encouraged  a sales team to push for next mark and the next level.  Although an elementary  and simple message, it is applicable to any area of your life.

The cynic says it’s easy for you to say, just keep living and you’ll see how simple it is.  The truth of the matter is no one said it was simple. It’s not  easy for the boxer with a bloody nose, who has been knocked to his knees to get up and face another round. I’m sure in his mind, he sees the next punch coming and still remembers the pain of the last blow and yet he still returns to the fight.
I’m sure  we all have seen the runners that have fallen, get up and continue the race despite the race already won by someone else. We remember those exemplary runners who will forego winning to assist the one that has fallen, complete the race.

As you are faced with opposition and discouragement in route to your dream,  don’t quit. Remember  these examples and others who kept the prize before them, and despite the odds , would not quit.  When you feel like you are fainting, use examples of those who have overcome great obstacles on their way to success to encourage yourself.  Do like the game show and “Call a friend” if you need additional support. The runner did, and their friend helped them to cross the finish line.  Whatever you need to do to finish—FINISH! It will be worth the struggle.

You are Amazing

God thinks that you are amazing! He believes in you and the gifts that you possess. He expects you to win and produce. So why do you believe that you are anything less than fearfully and wonderfully made? Are you listening to the naysayers who have nothing positive to say about anything? Or are you listening to the bruised or broken little girl within who is still waiting to be healed? If you are listening to either of those sources, let me remind you that both are unreliable.

Listen to the creator who says you are made in His image and you are amazing. The Bible says to "Let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus". So change your mind and see yourself as amazing, productive and one that always wins.

Authenticity is the quality of being genuine or true to oneself. It is about being honest with yourself and others about who you are, what y...